I know, I know. You're all wondering where I have been for the last 48 hours having not written a new post since Tuesday. Well it turns out you see that I do actually have a life...this will be very hard for the majority of you to come to terms with, but my friends, it is true. Tuesday night involved a training session and then I spent Wednesday studying and the evening at a pantomime rehearsal...yes I'm in a pantomime for those of you that haven't read my 'Nutty Nick' post. In my spare time between all of those committments I have been applying to a number of jobs from which I have had a few replies today. Lucky me eh!? "What jobs Ben?" I hear you ask...a question which I will refuse to answer no matter how many time you ask me...
Could this be my future job?
No disrespect to any refuse collectors but this is probably one of the last jobs on Earth I would ever go for...however if I had a gun to my head I would do it, of course, I would be silly not to.
So you've probably guessed that this post is about jobs, right? WRONG. It isn't. In fact, I'm going to spoil you all and change the subject and direction of my post towards something much more magical...Harry Potter. Yes the little wizard whom the majority of the Nation have grown to love...and I have to say I am NOT one of this majority. I recall reading the first few chapters of the first ever book and stopped as I thought to myself (even at such a young age, just shows how mature I was)...this can't actually happen can it? I mean, there definitely isn't and never will be a magic school where wizards are trained. If I'm honest, if I can't relate something to the real world, I struggle to enjoy it.
Umm excuse me Harry...eyes up please...and stop fondling with Hermione.
It has to be said, if Harry Potter was so damn magical and a gifted wizard, why has he not yet performed a trick to cure his own eyesight and get himself laid? If I looked like him, and had disabled eyes, that's what I would do...I'd also get that scar removed, it's amazing what plastic surgeons can do these days, someone should tell him. He should also be a good mate to Ron Weasley and cure that disease of his (gingeritis) (I have nothing against ginger people, in fact I love the hair colour but for the purposes of comedy, just go with it!!) Anyway...what is the attraction to the Harry Potter series, I have heard many people say that the books are better than the films and the films miss a lot out. Others criticise me saying I have no imagination and cannot feel like I'm apart of his adventure...my reply to this is that it isn't at all due to a lack of imagination, I'm just not bonkers like the rest. I understand why people are so involved in it but as for myself, no way. Oh and a side issue here, what the hell has Emma Watson done to her hair??? What a waste. She looks like a lesbian now for sure, not saying she is, but she sure looks like one. (I understand that I may have just sterotyped a lesbian as having short hair, but for the purpose of this post, just go with it.) I used to have a little thing for her but until she regrows that hair...I will be staying well away!
Nice face... |
As for Daniel Radcliffe himself, (the guy who plays Harry Potter for those of you who haven't been out of your house for a decade or so), I saw him on the Graham Norton show last week. He rushed across from the premiere in London to be on the show half way through...and to be honest, he may as well have not even bothered. All I gained from the experience was coming to the conclusion that he is a freak. Fair play that he is now a multi-millionaire but really Danny...did you have to act like that on TV? He recited every element in the periodic table...what a goon. It was that song now on youtube...for those of you that want to see it and just what Dan did on the show...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFIvXVMbII0 that is it done properly...however this is the Graham Norton Show version that Mr Daniel Radcliffe performed...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSAaiYKF0cs ...definitely worth watching both clips!!!
First class goon. |
Stick to acting, you're not the greatest TV/Film personality ever...I suppose that's why you rarely see him give many interviews...right?
So who likes Harry Potter? Why do you like Harry Potter? I want reasons. Give me them and try to change my mind. I would love to love the books and the films but I just can't see it...but please try. I want to be a sheep like everone else...
All the best,
Ben x
"is that your wand, or are you just pleased to see me!"
ReplyDelete"Reducio Erectus! Damn it I forgot I'm not really a wizard!"
ReplyDeleteI like Harry Potter, but that is partially because I like fantasy books. I daydream alot, and I find daydreming about spells that can be preformed with a few simple words and a wave of a wand pretty enjoyable. I guess I also like the thing about Quidditch- a sport where you fly sounds fun.
ReplyDeleteBut, like yourslef, many people don't actually enjoy Harry Potter. For some, it is just because they are stupid, meaning they never read the books and take their friend's advice that they are horrible. But for most, like you, it is just because you don't enjoy the genra as much as others. It dosen't really matter that you don't like the series- some people like fantasy, but some prefer realistic fiction, and still some prefer mystery, romance, or any other genra out there. You don't HAVE to like Harry Potter.