Monday, 15 November 2010

Don't be a tosser...

Now before anyone emails me complaining about my use of the word 'tosser' perhaps you should re-direct your feelings towards Wiltshire County Council. Ten signs have been strategically placed in order to prevent people from 'tossing' their litter to the floor and instead to put it in the bin...amazing don't you think? I mean, I had no idea that was what bins were used for. I just thought they were on streets for people to conceal their bombs or something along those lines, and now they are telling us it is actually for our rubbish??? No but seriously, why?

Could also be a sign for 'Don't put your hand in the blender'...

As you can imagine, here have been many complaints regarding the slogan. It is of course very '21st century' meaning that the council deem it fine as it fits in with with today's society. Maybe with the ASBO-ridden people of Trowbridge (sorry, but it's true) but not for most people. Quick side issue, don't go to Trowbridge unless you have to, it looks like a bombsite. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the slogan. As it happens, I have constructed a slogan that the council could use myself and found a park bench with a funny notice on to read them? Good, because you've read this far, you might as well finish it...first the park bench...

And who could blame him?

"No hooking anytime" - for those who like fishing, or for those who are prostitutes.

Not bad eh? I also thought my local council could put signs up saying, "No chavs"...would clean up the area fact, there would be no one left.

The 'Don't be a tosser' campaign is also rocking up in the streets of Suffolk and is making a long-awaited comeback...after losing all the tossers. However the tossers have returned and the campaign in under way. You can even buy car stickers and beer mats with the slogan on.

The position of the hand in the bottom right to be laughed at surely? Who designed this? It says "Don't be a tosser" so why have you placed a hand in that area?

Believe it or not, Suffolk police are now involved, and guess what....they are tackling anti-social behaviour using that same for all you 'Hoodies' out there in Suffolk...I have a message for you..."DON'T BE A TOSSER'...

All the best,

Ben x

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