Call me mad, insane, an idiot or any name under the sun but I cannot see the fascination with Cheryl Cole? Yeah okay, she has a pretty face but let's be honest, she has had a lot of work done...
It is blatently obvious...the shape of her face is different, her teeth, lips...I don't have enough grounds to suggest anything else, or maybe I am just trying to find fault, but I just cannot see the attraction. Afterall, it isn't just a pretty face you see before you (that's the picture on the right I'm referring to by the way). No matter how much money or fame you have, the past is always there to haunt you. I cannot blame her for her rise to fame, if I had the opportunity I might do the same as I'm sure many of you would, but it's the past and her attitude over the last few weeks which has forced me to write this article.....yes, that's right...FORCED!!!
Let me first deal with her past. I don't care who you are, no one can change so much that they rip their roots up out of the ground and leave them behind. Soon after Cheryl shot to fame, she managed to get herself arrested and land herself a conviction and as a result, a criminal record for.....assault. You can make all the excuses possible, but that puts me off almost immediately. Of course this isn't the reason I have decided to write this article, we all make mistakes, but all I'm saying is that she shouldn't have done it.....!!!
Cole (then Tweedy) leaving court |
Let me just make one thing clear, I don't hate the girl, I have no reason to hate her, it is a very strong word. I just feel very strongly about what has been going on recently. This concerns the x factor. First of all, I don't consider her to be the best singer in the world, if she entered the competition as a solo artist, she wouldn't get past boot camp, great image maybe, but in terms of her voice, no good. I am also no expert on dancing, but my girlfriend is a dancer and therefore I feel that this entitles me to an opinion on the matter, but watching her dance and sing at the same time.....not my cup of tea. She appears to me very wooden, and jagged. Not fluid at all. No one is perfect, I am far from that, but I wouldn't be entertained by her in concert and after recently miming on x factor, it wouldn't push me into buying a ticket for my most hated person, let alone myself!! Based on these grounds it begs the question...Why is she judging talent? She is by no means talentless, but being judged by her on signing??????? This links to Alesha Dixon on Strictly. She has no idea about ballroom dancing and its' technicalities, so why on earth is she juding the people on there...she has won it yes, but still. I don't care if Cheryl Cole brings in hoards of extra viewers, she has no reason to be judging singers. All these people are interested in is money and themselves. They couldn't give a flying duck about their acts, hence why Cheryl flew to L.A in the week and left them to it.
A flying duck... |
My next issue is the way she is treating some contestants on the show. First of all, Wagner (pronounced as Vanger, Louis). She has treated him with so much disrespect of the last few weeks it is unreal, sat there shaking her head as he performs, how dare she!? It isn't the guy's fault that people vote for him is it? Or is it entirely his fault? He, like Mary, is brilliant for the show, funny yet entertaining and a breath of fresh air. He gets a great reaction and people love him...sorry Cheryl. But give him a break. And if this hasn't been enough, Cheryl's reaction to Paige on last night's show (13/12) and the song choice was unbelievable. Not only did she insult him but the great Elton John. Elton has recorded 40plus albums in his decade-spanning career and Cheryl wasn't familiar with the song choice...Crocodile Rock...I mean what the f$%k?! How disrespectful is that??? I just laughed, could not believe what I was hearing.
My final point. Yes I'm nearly done, don't worry, the rant is nearly over. But as far as I'm aware, the US authorities make it very difficult to work or live over there if you have previously been arrested or have a criminal record. So why is that Cheryl Cole is able to waltz over there in business class and set herself up a home and a career and Joe Bloggs from around the corner isn't??? Well it's because of her money and popularity, that's the answer, but it isn't right. She is no better than the next person in the UK who was convicted of assault...
Anyway, has Cheryl Cole got the x factor??? I don't think so. Now many of you will disagree, and I'd welcome your arguments and thoughts on this. I know she has had a hammering recently, but it was her performance as a judge on x factor last night and over the last few weeks that has really made me consider her likeability. Surely people are starting to see through the mask she has created for herself (or the one her surgeon gave her).
All the best,
Ben x