Thursday, 18 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Jobseeking Prince...(me)

I know, I know. You're all wondering where I have been for the last 48 hours having not written a new post since Tuesday. Well it turns out you see that I do actually have a life...this will be very hard for the majority of you to come to terms with, but my friends, it is true. Tuesday night involved a training session and then I spent Wednesday studying and the evening at a pantomime rehearsal...yes I'm in a pantomime for those of you that haven't read my 'Nutty Nick' post. In my spare time between all of those committments I have been applying to a number of jobs from which I have had a few replies today. Lucky me eh!? "What jobs Ben?" I hear you ask...a question which I will refuse to answer no matter how many time you ask me...

Could this be my future job?

No disrespect to any refuse collectors but this is probably one of the last jobs on Earth I would ever go for...however if I had a gun to my head I would do it, of course, I would be silly not to.

So you've probably guessed that this post is about jobs, right? WRONG. It isn't. In fact, I'm going to spoil you all and change the subject and direction of my post towards something much more magical...Harry Potter. Yes the little wizard whom the majority of the Nation have grown to love...and I have to say I am NOT one of this majority. I recall reading the first few chapters of the first ever book and stopped as I thought to myself (even at such a young age, just shows how mature I was)...this can't actually happen can it? I mean, there definitely isn't and never will be a magic school where wizards are trained. If I'm honest, if I can't relate something to the real world, I struggle to enjoy it.

Umm excuse me Harry...eyes up please...and stop fondling with Hermione.


It has to be said, if Harry Potter was so damn magical and a gifted wizard, why has he not yet performed a trick to cure his own eyesight and get himself laid? If I looked like him, and had disabled eyes, that's what I would do...I'd also get that scar removed, it's amazing what plastic surgeons can do these days, someone should tell him. He should also be a good mate to Ron Weasley and cure that disease of his (gingeritis) (I have nothing against ginger people, in fact I love the hair colour but for the purposes of comedy, just go with it!!) Anyway...what is the attraction to the Harry Potter series, I have heard many people say that the books are better than the films and the films miss a lot out. Others criticise me saying I have no imagination and cannot feel like I'm apart of his reply to this is that it isn't at all due to a lack of imagination, I'm just not bonkers like the rest. I understand why people are so involved in it but as for myself, no way. Oh and a side issue here, what the hell has Emma Watson done to her hair??? What a waste. She looks like a lesbian now for sure, not saying she is, but she sure looks like one. (I understand that I may have just sterotyped a lesbian as having short hair, but for the purpose of this post, just go with it.) I used to have a little thing for her but until she regrows that hair...I will be staying well away!

Nice face...

As for Daniel Radcliffe himself, (the guy who plays Harry Potter for those of you who haven't been out of your house for a decade or so), I saw him on the Graham Norton show last week. He rushed across from the premiere in London to be on the show half way through...and to be honest, he may as well have not even bothered. All I gained from the experience was coming to the conclusion that he is a freak. Fair play that he is now a multi-millionaire but really Danny...did you have to act like that on TV? He recited every element in the periodic table...what a goon. It was that song now on youtube...for those of you that want to see it and just what Dan did on the show... that is it done properly...however this is the Graham Norton Show version that Mr Daniel Radcliffe performed... ...definitely worth watching both clips!!!

First class goon.

Stick to acting, you're not the greatest TV/Film personality ever...I suppose that's why you rarely see him give many interviews...right?

So who likes Harry Potter? Why do you like Harry Potter? I want reasons. Give me them and try to change my mind. I would love to love the books and the films but I just can't see it...but please try. I want to be a sheep like everone else...

All the best,

Ben x

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Kate and Wills...

"She said yes!"

 When someone said to me today that Kate and Wills are getting married next year, my reaction was..."Good for them, are we invited?" Call it ignorant but I had to take a few seconds to realise who they meant. It of course the news that Prince William and Kate Middleton are to marry sometime next year...but I ask the one key question that is on everyones lips..."Are we bothered?"...Now I cannot promise a definitive answer to this question but I will certainly have a good go. The short answer is "No." However that wouldn't make a good read for anyone (assuming someone is read this of course...)

I wasn't talking to you...

I have to be honest, I went off the Royal Family when Diana died that gloomy night in Paris. I remember waking up that morning and had a horrible feeling something had happened...and I was right...I forgot to lock the front door and I was going to be in trouble for it. Then I turned on the news and found out. But that is another story for another time. Kate and Wills met at St. Andrews University and were in the same halls as one another. They were developing a huge amount of respect for eachother and a friendship blossomed, now years later, they are to be married. Great. Super. But all I care about is if we get a national holiday for the day...not that I have a job not to go in to, but hopefully by then I will. If that is the case, and we get the day off, I still won't be tuning in or lining the streets screaming in celebration.

Think you have come to the wrong event mate...

What bothers me most about this announcement is that no one actually cares about the two of them as people, becoming bound in marriage. Even David Cameron, our superb (hahaha jokes) Prime Minister looked as if he had other things on his mind when greeting the press in Downing Street this morning and Maggie Thatcher saw him on the news and asked her aide, "Who is that coming out of my house?"...bless her. Anyway, my point is that people are gossiping about it the wedding. Ladbrokes are now taking bets on where the honeymoon will be...and just in case you're interested on placing a wager, Magaluf is at 500/1 and Butlins 2500/1...have a pop, you never know. They might even book the honeymoon suite at Pontins for £25 a night. Perfect. The gossiping magazines are also trying to guess what dress Kate will wear and who will design it. This sells copies apparantly...why are women so drawn to these magazines? They flick through for a bit, get bored, look at the horoscope section, then the problem question page and that's it...pointless.

The honeymoon suite at Pontins (including complimentary teddy bear and half drunk fruit juice)

I suppose that the news today brought us something positive to talk about. I am not for a minute trying to draw on the negatives. Let us all be happy for them, but what remains to be seen is whether the nation get behind them and celebrate. It will be interesting to find out. Are we bothered about it? On balance I would say no, we aren't. It's just another wedding, although this time it happens to be a royal one and not Bob and Sue from down the road. I just hope Kate doesn't try to be Diana. If she does, she will get slated. She already has Diana's ring...I hope for Kate's sake that there are no comparisons to her because, let's be honest, she wouldn't stand a chance, even less of a chance than Audley Harrison last weekend.

All the best,

Ben x

Monday, 15 November 2010

Don't be a tosser...

Now before anyone emails me complaining about my use of the word 'tosser' perhaps you should re-direct your feelings towards Wiltshire County Council. Ten signs have been strategically placed in order to prevent people from 'tossing' their litter to the floor and instead to put it in the bin...amazing don't you think? I mean, I had no idea that was what bins were used for. I just thought they were on streets for people to conceal their bombs or something along those lines, and now they are telling us it is actually for our rubbish??? No but seriously, why?

Could also be a sign for 'Don't put your hand in the blender'...

As you can imagine, here have been many complaints regarding the slogan. It is of course very '21st century' meaning that the council deem it fine as it fits in with with today's society. Maybe with the ASBO-ridden people of Trowbridge (sorry, but it's true) but not for most people. Quick side issue, don't go to Trowbridge unless you have to, it looks like a bombsite. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the slogan. As it happens, I have constructed a slogan that the council could use myself and found a park bench with a funny notice on to read them? Good, because you've read this far, you might as well finish it...first the park bench...

And who could blame him?

"No hooking anytime" - for those who like fishing, or for those who are prostitutes.

Not bad eh? I also thought my local council could put signs up saying, "No chavs"...would clean up the area fact, there would be no one left.

The 'Don't be a tosser' campaign is also rocking up in the streets of Suffolk and is making a long-awaited comeback...after losing all the tossers. However the tossers have returned and the campaign in under way. You can even buy car stickers and beer mats with the slogan on.

The position of the hand in the bottom right to be laughed at surely? Who designed this? It says "Don't be a tosser" so why have you placed a hand in that area?

Believe it or not, Suffolk police are now involved, and guess what....they are tackling anti-social behaviour using that same for all you 'Hoodies' out there in Suffolk...I have a message for you..."DON'T BE A TOSSER'...

All the best,

Ben x

Christmas is coming...

...and the geese are getting fat. I typed obese geese into google images in order to add a funny image to the article and on the first page of results it came of with this...

   .....yes, a picture of Sol Campbell, the former England international.

After researching further, it turns out that it is linked to a newspaper article with the opening line as, 'Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat'...I didn't think he looked like much of a goose.

Anyway, I digress, and once again like many times before, I have gone off task. The purpose of this post in of course the 'most wonderful time of the year'. Christmas is on 25th December...for those of you that didn't know that fact, go However despite it being on one of the last days of the calender year, the build-up to it seems to begin in October and seems to get earlier every year. I heard the first Christmas song on the radio at the end of October as the presenter said, and I quote, "It's nearly Christmas!" How depressing. He must be bored sat there in his chair with his over-sized headphones on talking to people who don't give a hoot what he is saying. Well I certainly didn't.

Luckily they weren't driving when the man on the radio was talking...

It is all well and good being prepared for the big day and getting yourself organised with buying gifts for people, buying the food and alcohol, decorations and flimsy plastic trees (get a real one) but we are moving further and further away from the real reason we have Christmas. Now, let me clarify one point, I am not a church goer. Never have been, and I probably never will be.

Santa and his massive sack...probably the worst artists impression ever.

However I do go to the midnight mass and go to church on Christmas eve to sing hymns and carols and listen to boring people make speeches. But that does not make me religious. All I'm saying is that we are forgetting why we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Now whether you're religious or not, we should be remembering that is why we celebrate the day and the reason the majority of us receive these wonderful gifts. If this 'event' wasn't written about, we wouldn't have the opportunity to exchange gifts or have Christmas parties. I say 'event' because you might be a non-believer and therefore don't believe that any of the Bible works are real or ever happened, I mean let's be honest, water into wine? Curing blindness? The feeding of the 5000? Come on. But despite that, there is nothing wrong in having faith and believing. You cannot dispute it.

The conversation Jesus blatently had...

What bothers me most about it now though is how early we prepare. Like I said, it's okay buying your gifts, that is just being organised, how I wish I was. But for example, the Christmas November? Why? As pretty and as atmospheric as it might be getting shoppers in the Christmas spirit, it is far too early. I love this time of year, especially as it gets closer to the day. However if I started buying gifts now and was ready for it by the end of the second week in November like some people, there isn't any real excitement, it evaporates (like when Russel Howard walks onto a stage). The feeling of buying that special gift for someone in November isn't the same as buying it in the week leading up to the 25th. The large build-up is draining the excitement, enthusiam and good-will in to one massive dustbowl.

After draining the excitement from the room, Russel wonders where the audience has gone...

So this Christmas, take a moment or two to realise why we celebrate it, even if you don't believe, like me. And to those people who put the lights up early, stop ruining my Christmas.


Ben x

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Has Cheryl Cole got the X factor?

Call me mad, insane, an idiot or any name under the sun but I cannot see the fascination with Cheryl Cole? Yeah okay, she has a pretty face but let's be honest, she has had a lot of work done...


It is blatently obvious...the shape of her face is different, her teeth, lips...I don't have enough grounds to suggest anything else, or maybe I am just trying to find fault, but I just cannot see the attraction. Afterall, it isn't just a pretty face you see before you (that's the picture on the right I'm referring to by the way). No matter how much money or fame you have, the past is always there to haunt you. I cannot blame her for her rise to fame, if I had the opportunity I might do the same as I'm sure many of you would, but it's the past and her attitude over the last few weeks which has forced me to write this article.....yes, that's right...FORCED!!!

Let me first deal with her past. I don't care who you are, no one can change so much that they rip their roots up out of the ground and leave them behind. Soon after Cheryl shot to fame, she managed to get herself arrested and land herself a conviction and as a result, a criminal record for.....assault. You can make all the excuses possible, but that puts me off almost immediately. Of course this isn't the reason I have decided to write this article, we all make mistakes, but all I'm saying is that she shouldn't have done it.....!!!

Cole (then Tweedy) leaving court

Let me just make one thing clear, I don't hate the girl, I have no reason to hate her, it is a very strong word. I just feel very strongly about what has been going on recently. This concerns the x factor. First of all, I don't consider her to be the best singer in the world, if she entered the competition as a solo artist, she wouldn't get past boot camp, great image maybe, but in terms of her voice, no good. I am also no expert on dancing, but my girlfriend is a dancer and therefore I feel that this entitles me to an opinion on the matter, but watching her dance and sing at the same time.....not my cup of tea. She appears to me very wooden, and jagged. Not fluid at all. No one is perfect, I am far from that, but I wouldn't be entertained by her in concert and after recently miming on x factor, it wouldn't push me into buying a ticket for my most hated person, let alone myself!! Based on these grounds it begs the question...Why is she judging talent? She is by no means talentless, but being judged by her on signing??????? This links to Alesha Dixon on Strictly. She has no idea about ballroom dancing and its' technicalities, so why on earth is she juding the people on there...she has won it yes, but still. I don't care if Cheryl Cole brings in hoards of extra viewers, she has no reason to be judging singers. All these people are interested in is money and themselves. They couldn't give a flying duck about their acts, hence why Cheryl flew to L.A in the week and left them to it.

A flying duck...

My next issue is the way she is treating some contestants on the show. First of all, Wagner (pronounced as Vanger, Louis). She has treated him with so much disrespect of the last few weeks it is unreal, sat there shaking her head as he performs, how dare she!? It isn't the guy's fault that people vote for him is it? Or is it entirely his fault? He, like Mary, is brilliant for the show, funny yet entertaining and a breath of fresh air. He gets a great reaction and people love him...sorry Cheryl. But give him a break. And if this hasn't been enough, Cheryl's reaction to Paige on last night's show (13/12) and the song choice was unbelievable. Not only did she insult him but the great Elton John. Elton has recorded 40plus albums in his decade-spanning career and Cheryl wasn't familiar with the song choice...Crocodile Rock...I mean what the f$%k?! How disrespectful is that??? I just laughed, could not believe what I was hearing.

My final point. Yes I'm nearly done, don't worry, the rant is nearly over. But as far as I'm aware, the US authorities make it very difficult to work or live over there if you have previously been arrested or have a criminal record. So why is that Cheryl Cole is able to waltz over there in business class and set herself up a home and a career and Joe Bloggs from around the corner isn't??? Well it's because of her money and popularity, that's the answer, but it isn't right. She is no better than the next person in the UK who was convicted of assault...

Anyway, has Cheryl Cole got the x factor??? I don't think so. Now many of you will disagree, and I'd welcome your arguments and thoughts on this. I know she has had a hammering recently, but it was her performance as a judge on x factor last night and over the last few weeks that has really made me consider her likeability. Surely people are starting to see through the mask she has created for herself (or the one her surgeon gave her).

All the best,

Ben x

Friday, 12 November 2010

Public Transport - Free or not free? That is the question...

Public Transport has to be one of the most debated issues of our time due to the rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and how it is affecting our environment. Of course there are other harmful substances but for the sake of your time and science, I won't be going into a huge amount of depth about them. So would making public transport free reduce these levels?

Of course when I'm talking about public transport, I mean buses and trains. The expense of plane journeys and ferries are so expensive it isn't even worth considering (although in my opinion, prices could still come down a lot more, I blame B.A). There are many arguments for and against this issue but again for the sake of your time I won't be going over all of them, just a few of the key points that should be brought to people's attention. Let me give you a few statistics that are necessary when considering the issue of free public transport:
  • In the US alone there are 250million cars on the road.
  • Each car on average produces 5.2 metric tons of CO2 per year. That is a grand total of: 1,300,000,000 metric tons of CO2 per year (that is 1billion 300million just in case you don't read numbers).
  • In the UK there are 33million vehicles on the road. 27million of these are cars.
  • 22% of UK emissions are from road transport.

UK Urban and Rural Air Pollution Indicators

Shocking isn't it? Okay well it's gone down a bit but you get the picture...For more details and more statisitcs, check out

Let us get on to the debate with the facts in mind. One of the largest barriers to sustainability is of course the use of motor vehicles as a primary use to get around the country. The concerns of global warming are rising all the time and we have developed and are developing technology for cleaner and safer vehicles producing less emissions. For example, we could use natural gas powered cars and buses. This alone would reduce emissions greatly. Using hydrogen or hybrid vehicles is the way forward for sure, but with new ideas comes a heavy cost. Given the facts I have just stated, and the amount of CO2 emissions road transport produces, that is reason enough to make public transport free...right? WRONG. It isn't. Sorry if you guessed 'right'...

Use  buses, they are really safe...

The old adage goes, 'nothing in life is free'. In the true spirit of economics, nothing but the air we breathe and the love we give and recieve is free in life. At the end of the day everything has a cost whether we like it or not. It is all well and good saying "make public transposrt free!" (or words to that effect, that's what I'd shout if I was protesting) but there is a layoff with regard to who pays for it. What would happen if it all became free? Well if you read on, I'm about to tell you...

The people who end up using this public transport day in and day out do not pay for it. This does not mean however that no one has to foot the bill. Any guesses as to who will pay for it? Yes that's right, you. Well not just you. That would be pretty worrying...of course when I say 'you', I mean the tax-payer. No such thing in today's world is free. The drivers have to be paid and the buses filled up with petrol or diesel or whatever those things need and they all have to be maintained. All of that comes at a huge cost, and if it was to become free, then taxes would inevitably rise and the government would bleed money from us from somewhere else.

Go on, I dare you...

At the end of the day I believe public transport is actually affordable. Otherwise no one would use it. Personally, I hate buses and I'm not the biggest fan of trains. I'm not scared of them, no no no, but I just hate the idea. Driving my own car for me is my personal space, I can play music, and listen to whatever I want and whatever noise level I want. This cannot be done on a bus or train. I know there are ipods but you always get some miserable sod who walks up or leans over to you so say, "can you turn that down please?" which my initial response in my head is, "No. Piss off!"...but of course I politely say, "yes of course, sorry." Is that just me??? Anyway I've gone off topic.

Here are some very tedious ways to reduce your emissions:
  • Avoid using the car for short journeys, get the bike out, dust it down and keep fit! Or just walk.
  • Lighten up - not in your mood but in the weight of your car, take off roof racks, people and items out of your boot. It really does make a difference and it will save you money!
  • Steady your speed - for all you boy and girl racers out there, relax, there's no hurry.
  • Avoid using air conditioning and other on board electrical appliances, this increases your fuel consumption.
  • Share your journeys.

Okay, you can stop cringing now...but I am just trying to help you!

How I imagine you right now...

There is a difference between making public transport free and encouraging people to use it as their mode of transport. But it doesn't matter what people say, I will always use my car.

All the best,

Ben x

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Burning of the poppy...

Rememberance Day. Armistice Day. Veterans Day. A day for us all to pay our respects to the members of the armed forces and and civilians who lost their lives fighting for our country. As you all know, we remember this day by a two minute silence on the 11th November at 11am, and the vast majority of us wearing a poppy. So imagine my surprise seeing a group of protesters at Hyde Park setting fire to a large, decorative poppy and chanting during the nation's two minute silence. Disgraceful.

A group of 35 Muslims, part of "Muslims against Crusades" today burnt a poppy at protest against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This occured during the silence held at 11am. They held up posters saying, "Hands off Muslim Lands" and "Islam will dominate". There was also a flag raised with, "There is no God but Allah" written in bold writing across it. I can understand why they are upset, afterall we have bombarded their country with troops. We went to Iraq to fundamentally get rid of Sadaam Hussain for his unspeakable crimes and successfully felled him, as well as his ties to Al Qaeda and the weapons of mass destruction at his disposal. The Afghan war was primarily the war against Terror after the September 11th attacks. Perfectly legitimate reasons to go to war, well at least sort it out and do something about it. However stopping Al Qaeda was a much for diffuclt task. Their group is growing all the time and we know they are positioned all over the world. I hate to say it but I fear we have been short on getting to the bottom of this and we are in danger of a wave of fresh attacks. Today the Muslim protestors called our soldiers, the people fighting aginst terror for us and the world, and I quote..."Terrorists"...hmm

Despite all of this, the protests were completely and utterly out of order. Imagine if you will some British people in Iraq or Afghanistan, planning a protest against Islam and in the process of protesting, they set fire to their flag or a flag bearing Allah's name on it...if you can't set the scene, I don't blame you. That's because we wouldn't do it. It's not in our nature. Mind you, if we did, we would probably die there and then, where as in our country you can exercise the right to protest no matter who you are or where you are from. I thought the students destroying Millbank was bad but this just doesn't compare. It really does put it into perspective.

Since protesting earlier today, they have vowed 'not to stop'. That is just a very short summary of what they actually said.....take a look at their website for the full press release and reasons for their really is worth a look, believe me. I must warn you though, there are some graphic images on the site...

The protest resulted in three arrests, one for assulting a police officer. I cannot believe this country allows protests such as this, especially on a day when we remember those who have lost their lives fighting for the country. The reason we are here today is because of those brave enough to fight. I cannot even find the words to describe my feelings on the events today, it is literally indescribable. A selfish event that should never have been allowed to take place. When it comes to things like this, this country needs to do something about it. The day is rememberance day, and all we will remember are the Muslim protests and the burning of the poppy - the symbol of this country's losses.

Ben x

The Holloway effect...

The inevitable has happened. Due to Ian Holloway making ten changes to his team last night, the issue is now under investigation. All I ask is why?

This happened last year when Mick McCarthy's Wolves travelled to Old Trafford for a league game and he made ten changes. They faced Burnley in a relegation cruncher the following fixture. Wolves were hit with a £25,000 fine for McCarthy's decision to this. Again I ask why? The Premier League have set a dangerous precedent with that decision last season and it looks as though the same could follow for Blackpool. Mind you, if they get hit with a fine of that magnitude, that's the whole squad's wages for a month, so they could be in trouble!

After the game last night at Villa Park, Holloway was questioned referencing the decision last year by McCarthy. To put it blunty, Holloway said if they fine him or Blackpool, he will resign...quite a statement Ollie. But knowing Hollway through the media as we all do, he always gives his honest opinion, and it wouldn't be a surprise if he did walk away. And who would blame him?

The aggravating issue with all this is that Ian Holloway is a manager of a football club, a club that has shone new light over the Premier League. Blackpool have been fantastic so far this season and let's be honest, they have exceeded everyone's expectations. We all said how great it would be for him to manage in Europe's finest league with his passion and brash views on football and so far he has not dissappointed. Why then are the Premier League investigating him and his decision? Ian Holloway is the manager, he makes the decisions and if he chooses to change his starting eleven (albeit ten changes) then he should be allowed to do so. He sees that game with West Ham as a vital clash so why should the bigwigs of the Premier League get involved? It does my head in with all the interference that goes on in football and it should stop. Keep your noses out of it and let them get on with the game.

For anyone that managed to catch the highlights or watch the game at Villa Park, Blackpool gave Villa a run for their money, they competed from start to finish. It was just their Premier League inexperience that let them down at the last hurdle. If Blackpool got a point from that game, or better still, won it and took home three points to the seaside, would they still be under investiagtion??? It wouldn't make any sense right??? And no doubt he will make another seven to ten changes for the game against West Ham.

The fans need to have more of a say with what goes on in football, and start speaking up in their millions. We don't do enough. We turn up to watch the game and have a grumble about it in the pub afterwards, but nothing is said or done publically.

My message to the Premier League fat cats is not to ruffle Mr. Hollway's feathers as there will be a backlash. He has made the Premier League more exciting and he is a joy to watch in his press conferences. If he says he will quit.....he will quit. So stay away.

Well I'm glad I got that off my chest...

All the best,

Ben x

Thoughts on today's events...

What a day it has been, both for me and for students. Well was it students or an angry mob who decended on Millbank and thought they would turn themselves into sheep pretending to be students. From what I have heard the majority were indeed students but the outcomes were ridiculous.

I completely agree with the right to protest and if I was still at university I would have considered joining the 52,000 protesters, but what turned from a silent protest to the gradual attempted destruction of the home of the Conservatives was just insane, what kind of people do that. They were hardly covering themselves in glory and if I was the tax payer paying their fees I would be embracing the Tory proposals. However there were only around 200 'students' who took part in this and the stand-off with the police. Maybe some randomers took this as an opportunity to try and attack the Tory headquarters and obviously had no idea what was going on. I am not a fan of the Conservatives, and I'll admit that I voted for labour despite the scrapheap they were turning the country into, I felt that they could turn it around (based on the grounds that they threw Brown into the River Thames.....well okay, got rid of him as their leader) but going to those lengths in a protest was just so unnecessary.

As for my day, I too wanted to protest. However it wasn't at the rise in student fees, but at HP'S laptop manufacturing. I have had endless problems with my HP laptop, although it is 2 and a half years old now and have had to restore it to it's original factory settings around 6 times in the last month. It isn't just my laptop either, our family touchscreen PC (Mum's farmville appliance) has also failed miserably revently and it has been sent away twice now for repairs. Their customer service is awful so do not buy HP from now on, buy the sauce by all means, just don't buy the laptops. I was mid-way through my last blog post this morning for the damn machine to spasm on me and reset itself showing my a lovely cross-stitch pattern on the screen before it dived into darkness. I guess it was the laptop's way of its' life flashing before its' eyes/screen. Well I was far from impressed and spent the next 5hours trying to narrow down my choices of a new one. I travelled over Somerset like a blue-ass fly all afternoon and eventually rattled down to a Dell and I have to say I am very impressed. I  did dwindle over a Sony, Packard Bell and a Toshiba before setting my sights on this beautiful machine. I might even take it to bed with me tonight.....sorry Amy!!!

All the best,

Ben x

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The morning after the night before...

Good morning World. I am going to keep posting because I feel the need to and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me. But please try to anyway. Last night I watched a football match locally, I won't say which one but it was one of the most entertaining to watch.....however it was for all the wrong reasons.

The final score of the game was 4-1 to the home side and I witnessed one good goal, the rest were nothing special. The entertainment on offer which was advertised pre-match was a suspected broken leg, two mass brawls, a 'headbutt', stamping, two red cards, a player that must have graduated from drama school, and the most embarrassing refereeing performance I have ever seen, even worse than Stuart Atwell's 'ghost goal' award in the match between Watford and Reading last year. And no, I am not exaggerating...all will be explained now. I know you cannot wait to find out!

Well let us first deal with the two mass brawls, well that's two issues really, but I don't care, deal with it. A third goal was scored by the home side to make it 3-1 from a free-kick whipped in using the high-speed, gale-force winds to aid it on its way and it was flicked home by one of their players. One of the home side's players decided to give a bit of banter which resulted in him receiving a 'headbutt' from one of the defenders from the away side. I say 'headbutt' because it looked as if he did headbutt him, however it took a FIVE second delay and for the referee to look in the player's direction for him to be sent tumbling to the floor clutching his face. It was a poor attempt and one that would have been scored poorly by the Strictly judges. This then resulted in a mass brawl between players with a number of punches, kicks and strangling attempts going down in the penalty area. However despite everyone in the ground seeing every detail of this fiasco, and the fact that there were three officials, NO ONE WAS SENT OFF. I did notice that the match was being recorded so it will be interesting to see if there was actually any contact regarding the headbutt, and if not, I would like to find out which drama school the diving player attended because they are doing a hideous job and must be put right. The home team's manager referred to the 'headbutt' as something a 'pub player' would do and if anyone in his team did that, they would never play for the club again......interesting.....

The second mass brawl is a lot easier to explain but added further reason to call the referee an embarrassment. One of the away players danced past one of the midfielders and then player came in very high, and once he had been felled, started to stamp on the player. Now if that was me or anyone else in the world, you're hardly not going to react, so when there was a slight kick out to protect himself I wasn't surprised. However the referee had other ideas and sent the fouled player off for, and I quote, "violent conduct." He didn't even do anything! Then fortunately the player who committed the foul was also given his marching orders...ironically he was the player who had previously been 'headbutted' ten minutes prior to the incident!!!

As for the embarrasing refereeing performance...well where do I start? I'll pick out just a few incidents that jump out. The first incident would be that of the suspected broken leg received by one of the away players after a ridiculous challenge in the opening exchanges. Everyone in the ground saw the challenge and the murmors around me suggested a straight red....ohhh nooo, he didn't even see it, and yet he gave a does this work??? To give a foul he must have seen the incident right??? Clearly not...and the player was stretchered off and whisked away in an ambulence. Disgraceful. Soon after, the referee gave one of the most absurd clown-like decisions I have ever witnessed, worse than the 'ghost goal' decision. A midfielder was receiving the ball into his feet in the middle of the park with no one within ten yards of him. As the ball came in he lifted his foot, stood on the ball and fell over under no challenge from any other player. The referee decided that this was foul play by the ball and gave the player a free kick....ummm?! WHAT!? Yeah I know, sounds stupid but it's true. I'd love to be able to get hold of the recording for this game because so far it appeared that the supporters had paid their entry fee to see the referee and not the game. Embarrassing. If that wasn't bad enough, a cross was delivered a few moments later for it to be cleared by a visiting player, unfortunately due to the strong winds he fluffed his clearance under no challenge and is span out for a corner behind his own goal from 20 yards out, very unfortunate and clearly a corner. Guess what...? Yep, that's correct, the ref gave a goal kick...

All the best,

Ben x

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Nutty Nick..

Nutty Nick...who is that? Where is he from? What does he do?

Well if you stop asking the questions I'll tell you...Nutty Nick is my pantomime character that I will start rehearsing for this coming week. As you may have guessed, being a pantomime and having the name 'Nutty Nick', I am playing the village idiot character. Apprantly I play it well...not sure whether to take that offensively or as a compliment...I do have a sturdy educational background and managed decent results...I guess I'm just a superb actor. The panto is Robinson Crusoe by the way, not sure if I can say a lot more about it as I don't really want to be sued by anyone...if that is even possible? I don't know, is it?

I am unfortunately currently unemployed hence why I am up this late and posting...who am I to think anyone will read these posts now at this time? I must be nutty...anyway, yes, I am unemployed. I spent the whole of yesterday applying for jobs online. Anything I came across that was suitable, I applied for. Next, River Island, Tesco, Debenhams, I don't really care what it is. If you know of anyone who needs an arse to run around at an expense, please forward my name? I would be very grateful indeed. Indeed - you'll notice over time that this is a word I use very often. Well I do in speech anyway, whether I manage to transfer that into a blog remains to be seen but we'll see. Time will tell...indeed. (Doesn't really fit in there)

I went to see Stuart Francis a couple weeks ago at the Colston Hall in Bristol. No, he isn't a friend of mine, he is that Canadian Comedian, the one-liner dude from Canada, hence the Canadian reference. He was very funny and I was suprised to see it wasn;t a if he is touring near you, go and see him. Definitely worth it. The guy supporting him was very good indeed, worth £15 if you have it to spare. Let me see if I can recall one of his jokes....umm...are any of them even suitable to share?! Hmmm...ah here's one: "Can bald people have hairline fractures?" It is genious is it not!?

One more thing...did anyone see Darren Fletcher swearing on Match of the Day a couple weekends ago? He said 'bollocking'...yeah that's right...I put on the subtitles and pretended to be blind for a second...or is it's definitely deaf....duh...anyway I put on the subtitles and the BBC completely changed is it just me or is it completely unfair that deaf people watching that did not hear the truth? It bugs me.

All the best,

Ben x

And we go

If you are reading this blog, thank you. If you read past the first two sentences, thank you. You are probably wondering what on earth my blog title means? 'Beginning and the occult'...well I shall basically means the beginning and the "knowledge of the hidden". It's latin apparantly...

Anyway now we have got that out of the way it is time to get the show on the road. I have only just subscribed to this site to share my thoughts on all sorts of issues, ideas and anything I fancy writing about really. Of course I have to be somewhat interesting otherwise the whole idea of 'blogging' would be pretty damn pointless. I might as well just send myself a letter in the post, and pretend that someone out there actually shares the same ideas as I do...

The idea of this post was to just introduce myself to everyone, assuming someone has got this far in reading this post...thank you if you have. The posts will get more interesting I assure you. Even if I get just the one follower who believes in me that will be enough for get my Mum to sign up, if she can spare the time out of her busy schedule 'playing' Farmville on that the correct verb for it? 'Playing'? Can you really 'play' Farmville? I get invited for the bloody thing every day, it has resulted in me now having over 100 invites on my tabs which I just cannot be bothered to look at. I cannot be the only one who deems the whole Farmille thing as ridiculous? It's more of a pre-school thing surely is it not? And if so, why the hell is my Mum on it? I guess I'll never know. It can't just be my Mum on it...please tell me it isn't. The game even has levels...yeah that's right...the better you get at the game by trading cows and horses between your neighbours, the higher the level you are. AMAZING!!!!

Over time I will be discussing an array of issues...if you're interested?  Let me know your feedback or any issues you would like me write about to discussor debate, I'm up for anything...(please don't take that literally. There are some weird people out there). I'm going to post them all anyway regardless because I need to write it all day someone will notice me right?

All the best,

Ben x